Scientific Publications

2025 (2), 2024 (38), 2023 (22), 2022 (25), 2021 (20), 2020 (9), 2019 (4), 2017 (3), 2016 (3), 2012 (1), All (127), Thesis (1)

Scientific Publications


  1. Laboratory and synchrotron x-ray micro€"computed tomography to shed light on degradation features of corroded Roman glass,
    Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Vol. 108 - 3, pp. e20241 (2025)
    R. Zanini, G. Franceschin, L. Vigorelli, G. Iori, L. Chiaberge, E. Longo, L. Guidorzi, A. Re, A. Lo Giudice, A. Traviglia
    ID10 - BEATS
  2. Robust Ru single-atom alloy catalysts coupled with adjacent Fe-site for highly stable ammonia synthesis under mild conditions,
    Applied Surface Science, Vol. 685, pp. 161906 (2025)
    S. Singh, E.P. Komarala, S. Kim, C.T. Yavuz, L.M. Maghrabi, N. Singh, M. Harfouche, V. Sabastian, O. Malina, A. Bakandritsos, D.H. Anjum, A.A. AlHammadi, K. Polychronopoulou
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF


  1. Manipulation of Energy Migration in Upconversion Nanoparticles for Long-Lived Mn2+ Emission and Enhanced Singlet Molecular Oxygen Generation,
    ACS Appl. Nano Mater., Vol. xx - xx, pp. xxxx (2024)
    Z.U. Khan, L.U. Khan, F.M. Prado, I. Gul, T. Lopes, L.M.A. Ribeiro, M. Bertotti, M. Gidlund, H.F. Brito, P. Di Mascio
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  2. Local atomic structural behavior in amorphous and crystalline diphosphate glasses co-doped by different transition metal ions (Ni2+, Cu2+ and Co2+): XAFS and XRD analysis,
    Materials Letters, Vol. 362, pp. 136235 (2024)
    Y Islem Bourezg, M Kharroubi, M Harfouche, F Sahnoune, A Djemli, D Bradai
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  3. Long-life (Co, Al, Mg)-doped LiMn1.5Ni0.5O4 cathodes prepared by co-precipitation method,
    Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, Vol. , pp. (2024)
    M. Kunduraci, H. Boyaci, U. Çağlayan, D. Çirmi, O.M. Ozkendir, M. Harfouche, B. Gözmen
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  4. Enhancement the linear/nonlinear optical and magnetic properties of ZnCo2O4 nanostructures through Ni/Fe dual doping,
    Optical Materials, Vol. , pp. (2024)
    Z.K. Heiba, H. Elshimy, M. Abdellatief, A.M. Abozied, A. Badawi, A.M. El-naggar, M.B. Mohamed
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  5. The Influence of CdS on the Structural and Optical Properties of Nano ZnWO4,
    ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, Vol. , pp. (2024)
    Z.K. Heiba, N.M. Farag, A.M. Abozied, A. Badawi, M.B. Mohamed
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  6. Tailoring the Structure, Optical and Shielding Characteristics of ZnMn2O4 Nanostructures through Sn-Doping,
    ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, Vol. , pp. (2024)
    Z.K. Heiba, M.M. Ghannam, A. Badawi, M.B. Mohamed
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  7. Photocatalytic activity (dye degradation) of pristine and doped LaFeO3 (dopant Y at a site and Ni at B site) by impedance spectroscopy,
    Ceramics International, Vol. , pp. (2024)
    H. Sultan, A. Sultan, M. Abdellatief, Q. Tayyaba, M. Gul, T. Ali
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  8. Spinel cobalt-based binary metal oxides as emerging materials for energy harvesting devices: synthesis, characterization and synchrotron radiation-enabled investigation,
    RSC Adv., Vol. 14 - 29, pp. 21180-21189 (2024)
    A. Alshanableh, Y.S. Ocak, B. Aljawrneh, B.A. Albiss, K. Shawakfehc, L.U. Khane, M. Harfouchee, S. Alrousan
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  9. Unveiling the outstanding full-cell performance of P2-type Na0.67(Mn0.44Ni0.06Fe0.43Ti0.07)O2 cathode active material for Na-ion batteries,
    Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 591, pp. 233775 (2024)
    B Kalyoncuoglu, M Ozgul, S Altundag, M Harfouche, E Oz, S Avci, X Ji, S Altin, MN Ates
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  10. Tracking coordination environment and optoelectronic structure of Eu3+ and Sm3+ sites via X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray excited optical luminescence,
    Materials Today: Proceedings, Vol. 00, pp. 0000-0000 (2024)
    L.U. Khan, Z.U. Khan, R.I. AlZubi, M.A. Umer, H.K. Juwhari, M. Harfouche, H.F. Brito
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  11. Structural, optical and shielding properties of transition metals (R: Mg, Sn and Bi) doped nano ZnMn2O4: A comparative study,
    Optical Materials, Vol. , pp. (2024)
    Z.K. Heiba, M.M. Ghannam, M. Abdellatief, A. Badawi, M.B. Mohamed
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  12. Tune and turn the pyrolysis of metal organic frameworks towards stable supported nickel catalysts for the dry reforming of methane,
    Applied Surface Science, Vol. 666, pp. 160388 (2024)
    E.P. Komarala, A.A. Dabbawala, M. Harfouche, M.A. Vasiliades, N. Charisiou, D.H. Anjum, S. Mao, M. Rueping, M.A. Baker, M.A. Goula, A.M. Efstathiou, K. Polychronopoulou
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  13. Enhancement the electrical and linear/nonlinear optical properties of ZnCo2O4 through Al3+doping,
    Physica B: Condensed Matter, Vol. , pp. (2024)
    Z.K. Heiba, M.B. Mohamed, M. Abdellatief, S.W. Arafat, M. Sanad, A. Badawi
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  14. Electrochemical characterization of -Fe2O3 and a reduced graphene oxide composite as a sustainable anode material for Na-ion batteries,
    Energy Adv., Vol. , pp. (2024)
    A. Staffolani, L. Sbrascini, L. Bottoni, L. Minnetti, H. Darjazi, A. Trapananti, F. Paparoni, S.J. Rezvani, M. Minicucci, M. Harfouche, F. Nobili
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  15. Exploring the Structural, Optical and Photoluminescence Performances of CuCo2O4 and ZnMn2O4 Alloying,
    ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, Vol. , pp. (2024)
    Z. Heiba, N.M. Farag, H. Elshemy, E.E. Ali, A. Badawi, M.B. Mohamed
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  16. Growth of copper-nickel (Cu-Ni) dual atom catalysts over graphene variants as active anodes for clean oxygen generation: Integrative experimental and computational validation,
    Nano Energy, Vol. 125, pp. 109479 (2024)
    S Musa, BM Pirzada, SH Talib, DH Anjum, MA Haija, S Mohamed, A Qurashi
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  17. Upgrading the optical properties of ZnWO4 nanostructure via composing with different contents of ZnS,
    Optical Materials, Vol. , pp. (2024)
    Z.K. Heiba, A.M. Abozied, N.M. Farag, A. Badawi, M.B. Mohamed
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  18. From earth material to energy production: Ni-based modified halloysite catalysts for CO2 methanation,
    Applied Clay Science, Vol. 259, pp. 107514 (2024)
    AA Alkhoori, AA Dabbawala, MA Baker, S Mao, N Charisiou, SS Hinder, M Harfouche, DH Anjum, MA Goula, K Polychronopoulou
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  19. Visible light driven (VLD) reduced TiO2###'x nanocatalysts designed by inorganic and organic reducing agent-mediated solvothermal methods for electrocatalytic and photocatalytic applications,
    RSC Adv., Vol. 14 - 33, pp. 24092-24104 (2024)
    S. Jamil, N. Jabeen, F. Sajid, L.U. Khan, A. Kanwal, M. Sohail, M. Zaheer, Z. Akhter
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  20. Revealing the Role of Ruthenium on the Performance of P2-Type Na0.67Mn1-xRuxO2 Cathodes for Na-Ion Full-Cells,
    Small, Vol. n/a - n/a, pp. 2406332 (2024)
    E Altin, I Moeez, E Kwon, AHU Bhatti, S Yu, KY Chung, M Arshad, M Harfouche, M Buldu, S Altundag, F Bulut, S Sahinbay, S Altin, MN Ates
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  21. 2D covalent organic framework via catenation,
    Chem, Vol. , pp. (2024)
    T. Prakasam, S. K. Sharma, F. Ravaux, F. Benyettou, M. Lusi, V. Sabu, P. Bazin, T. Delclos, R. Jagannathan, J. Whelan, M. El-Roz, M. A. Olson, M. Abdellatief, O. S. Mudraj, F. Ga´ ndara, A. Trabolsi
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  22. Investigating the Structural, Linear/Nonlinear Optical, and Photoluminescence Characteristics of CuO/ZnMn2O4 Nanocomposite for Physicochemical Applications,
    ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, Vol. 13, pp. (2024)
    Z. K. Heiba, M. M. Ghannam, A. M. Abozied, M. Abdellatief, E. E. Ali, A. Badawi, M. . Mohamed
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  23. Na-Promoted Bimetallic Hydroxide Nanoparticles for Aerobic C–H Activation: Catalyst Design Principles and Insights into Reaction Mechanism,
    ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Vol. , pp. (2024)
    B Erdivan, E Calikyilmaz, S Bilgin, AD Erdali, DN Gul, KE Ercan, YE Türkmen, E Ozensoy
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  24. A Hydrogen-Bonded Organic Framework Equipped with a Molecular Nanovalve,
    ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Vol. , pp. (2024)
    S.A. Ghazal, S.W. Tabbalat, F. Gándara, A. Al-Ghourani, S.M. Abusulieh, M. Abdellatief, S. Sunoqrot, K.E. Cordova
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  25. Popping and Locking: Balanced Rigidity and Porosity of Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks for High-Productivity Methane Purification,
    ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Vol. , pp. (2024)
    T. Xu, W. Jiang, Y. Tao, M. Abdellatief, K. Cordova, Y.B. Zhang
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  26. Biochemical analysis of Hyalomma dromedarii salivary glands and gut tissues using SR-FTIR micro-spectroscopy,
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 14 - 1, pp. 8515 (2024)
    S.H.M. Hendawy, H.F. Alzan, H.S.M. Abdel-Ghany, C.E. Suarez, G. Kamel
    BM02 - IR
  27. Evolution of Oxygen Vacancy Sites in Ceria-Based High-Entropy Oxides and Their Role in N2 Activation,
    ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Vol. 16 - 18, pp. 23038-23053 (2024)
    O Elmutasim, AG Hussien, A Sharan, S AlKhoori, MA Vasiliades, IMA Taha, S Kim, M Harfouche, A Emwas, DH Anjum, AM Efstathiou, CT Yavuz, N Singh, K Polychronopoulou
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  28. BEATS: BEAmline for synchrotron X-ray microTomography at SESAME,
    Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, Vol. 31 - 5, pp. (2024)
    G. Iori, M. Alzubi, A. Abbadi, Y. Al Momani, A.R. Hasoneh, P. Van Vaerenbergh, I. Cudin, J. Marcos, A. Ahmad, A. Mohammad, S. Matalgah, I. Foudeh, M. Al Najdawi, A. Amro, A. Ur Rehman, M. Abugharbiyeh, R. Khrais, A. Aljadaa, M. Nour, H. Al Mohammad, F. Al Omari, M. Salama, M.J. García Fusté, J. Reyes-Herrera, C. Morawe, M. Attal, S. Kasaei, C. Chrysostomou, T. Kolodziej, M. Boruchowski, P. Nowak, J. Wiechecki, A. Fatima, A. Ghigo, A. Wawrzyniak, K. Lorentz, G. Paolucci, F. Lehner, M. Krisch, M. Stampanoni, A. Rack, A. Kaprolat, A. Lausi
    ID10 - BEATS
  29. Effect of Cu incorporation in silicate and modified borate bioglass materials for health applications: insights from synchrotron-based x-ray absorption spectroscopy,
    Discover Materials, Vol. 4 - 1, pp. 30 (2024)
    NG Imam, M Harfouche, AM Abdelghany, JI Flege
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  30. Green plastics: Direct production from grocery wastes to bioplastics and structural characterization by using synchrotron FTIR,
    Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Vol. 323, pp. 124919 (2024)
    O Aras, G Kamel, M Kazanci
    BM02 - IR
  31. Steering palm oil hydrodeoxygenation towards biofuel production: An experimental and theoretical approach to unveil periodic trends,
    Materials Today Chemistry, Vol. 40, pp. 102240 (2024)
    S Alkhoori, S Alareeqi, AA Dabbawala, G Siakavelas, A Latsiou, DH Anjum, M Harfouche, MA Vasiliades, SJ Hinder, MA Baker, M Khaleel, D Bahamon, LF Vega, MA Goula, AM Efstathiou, K Polychronopoulou
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  32. Pt Single-Atom Catalysis in Carbon Nanotubes as a Platform for Confinement Limited Electrocatalysis,
    ACS Catal., Vol. 14 - 18, pp. 13877-13882 (2024)
    M. Shanmugasundaram, N.R. Samala, I. Grinberg, D. Zitoun
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  33. Alrecon: computed tomography reconstruction web application based on Solara,
    Open Research Europe, Vol. 4 - 54, pp. (2024)
    G. Iori, I. Foudeh, M. Alzubi, M. Almohammad, S. Matalgah
    ID10 - BEATS
  34. Potentially Toxic Elements Distribution, Petrography, and Synchrotron Characterization in Polluted Soils Around Industrial Complex, Central Jordan,
    Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances, Vol. , pp. 100423 (2024)
    T El-Hasan, A Aldrabee, M Harfouche
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  35. Effect of metal chalcogenides on modifying the structural and optical properties of ZnWO4 nanostructure,
    Optical Materials, Vol. 154, pp. (2024)
    Z.K. Heiba, A.M. Abozied, S.I. Ahmed, M. Abdellatief, M.B. Mohamed
    ID09 - MS/XPD
    Macromolecular Symposia, Vol. , pp. (2024)
    A. Norman, M. Abdellatief, A. Al-Ghourani, K. Cordova, C.A. Che Abdullah
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  37. A Comprehensive Study on How Different Mineralization Processes Affect Native Structure of Wetspun Collagen Fibers and Mineral Quality by Using S(Ftir),
    Elsevier SSRN (Social Science Research Network), Vol. , pp. (2024)
    K. Selcuk Haciosmanoglu, A. Belet, G. Kamel, M. Kazanci
    BM02 - IR
  38. Non-destructive 3D exploration of silicate glass corrosion: a combined multiscale approach from the macro to the nanoscale,
    Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. , pp. (2024)
    G. Franceschin, R. Zanini, G. Iori, E. Longo, G. Divitini, G. Tromba, A. Traviglia
    ID10 - BEATS


  1. Harvesting of aerial humidity with natural hygroscopic salt excretions,
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, Vol. , pp. (2023)
    M.B. Al-Handawi, P. Commins, R.E. Dinnebier,, M. Abdellatief, L. Li, P. Naumov
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  2. Singlet Molecular Oxygen Generation via Unexpected Emission Color-Tunable CdSe/ZnS Nanocrystals for Applications in Photodynamic Therapy,
    ACS Appl. Nano Mater., Vol. , pp. (2023)
    ZU Khan, LU Khan, MK Uchiyama, FM Prado, RL Faria, IF Costa, S Miyamoto, K Araki, M Gidlund, HF Brito, P Di Mascio
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  3. PVC polymer/ ZnO / NiO / Co 3 O 4 nanocomposites: Toward improved optical properties,
    journal of vinyl and additive technology, Vol. , pp. 1-23 (2023)
    A.M. El-Naggar, Z.K. Heiba, A.M. Kamal, O. Abd Elkader, M. Abdellatief, M.B. Mohamed
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  4. Investigation of the structural and linear/nonlinear optical characteristics of ZnO nanostructures alloyed with Co3O4 and NiO,
    Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, Vol. , pp. (2023)
    Z.K. Heiba, M.B. Mohamed, M. Abdellatief, H. Elshimy, E. Ali, A. Badawi
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  5. Insight into a pure spinel Co3O4 and boron, nitrogen, sulphur (BNS) tri-doped Co3O4-rGO nanocomposite for the electrocatalytic oxygen reduction reaction,
    RSC Adv., Vol. 13 - 41, pp. 28602-28612 (2023)
    A.K. Bhatti, N. Jabeen, A. Bashir, L.U. Khan, S.W. Bokhari, Z. Akhter
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  6. An FEA Investigation of the Vibration Response of the BEATS Detector Stage,
    R&D Journal of the South African Institution of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 39, pp. 44-52 (2023)
    F. Mokoena, M. Bhamjee, S. Connell, P. Van Vaerenbergh, G. Iori, A. Kaprolat
    ID10 - BEATS
  7. Crystal structures, Hirshfeld surfaces, Infrared, and XRF/XAFS studies of Long-chain 2D Lead-free Hybrid Perovskite NH3(CH2)9NH3MCl4 (M = Mn, Co, Cu),
    Journal of Molecular Structure, Vol. 1276, pp. 134757 (2023)
    S.K. Abdel-Aal, M. Harfouche, A. Ouasri, A.S. Abdel-Rahman
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  8. Local atomic structure order and electrochemical properties of NiO based nano-catalysts for ethanol sensing at room temperature,
    Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Vol. 175, pp. 111201-111211 (2023)
    F Sajid, N Jabeen, LU Khan, M Sohail, A Rehman, Z Akhter
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  9. Functionality-Induced Locking of Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks,
    Chem. Mater., Vol. , pp. (2023)
    T. Xu, B. Zhou, Y. Tao, Z. Shi, W. Jiang, M. Abdellatief, KE. Cordova, Y. Zhang
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  10. L-shell x-ray fluorescence relative intensities for elements with 62
    Chinese Physics B, Vol. 32 - 8, pp. 083201 (2023)
    M. Alqadi, S. Al-Humaidi, H. Alkhateeb, F. Alzoubi
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
    Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, Vol. 23 - 1, pp. 199-208 (2023)
    S. Al Khasawneh, K. Khasawneh, A. Aldrabee, M. Harfouche
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  12. Synchrotron Fourier Transform Infrared Microspectroscopy (Sftirm) Analysis of Beta Amyloid Aggregation/Clearance in Al-Induced Alzheimer'S' Disease in Rat Brain Hippocampal Tissue,
    Elsevier SSRN (Social Science Research Network), Vol. , pp. (2023)
    S. K. H. Khalil, W. El hotaby, G. Abdel-Raouf Ahmed, G. Kamel, H. H. A. Sherif, L. Abbas
    BM02 - IR
  13. The Effect of CrFe2O4 Addition on the Ionic Conductivity Properties of Manganese-Substituted LiFeO2 Material,
    Journal of Electronic Materials, Vol. , pp. (2023)
    S. Gunaydin, H. Miyazaki, S. Saran, H. Baveghar, G. Celik, M. Harfouche, M. Abdellatief, O.M. Ozkendir
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF, ID09 - MS/XPD
  14. Hexavalent chromium release over time from a pyrolyzed Cr-bearing tannery sludge,
    Scientific Reports, Vol. , pp. (2023)
    L. Ghezz, E. Mugnaioli, N. Perchiazzi, C. Duce, C. Pelosi, E. Zamponi, S. Pollastri, B. Campanella, M. Onor, M. Abdellatief, F. Franceschini, R. Petrini
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  15. Colloidal Quantum Dots as an Emerging Vast Platform and Versatile Sensitizer for Singlet Molecular Oxygen Generation,
    ACS Omega, Vol. 00, pp. 0000-0000 (2023)
    Z.U. Khan, L.U. Khan, H.F. Brito, M. Gidlund, O.L. Malta, P. Di Mascio
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  16. Strategy to Probe the Local Atomic Structure of Luminescent Rare Earth Complexes by X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Spectroscopy Simulation Using a Machine Learning-Based PyFitIt Approach,
    Inorg. Chem., Vol. 00 - 00, pp. 0000-0000 (2023)
    L.U. Khan, Z.U. Khan, L. Blois, L. Tabassam, H.F. Brito, S.J.A. Figueroa
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  17. Impact of Bi doping on the structural, optical, and dielectric features of nano ZnMn2O4,
    Ceramics International, Vol. , pp. (2023)
    Z.K. Heiba, M.M. Ghannam, M.B. Mohamed, M.M.S. Sanad, M.H. Abdel-Kader, A.M. El-naggar, G. Lakshminarayana
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  18. Ciclope: micro Computed Tomography to Finite Elements,
    JOSS - Journal of Open Source Software, Vol. 8 - 84, pp. 4952 (2023)
    G. Iori, G. Crimi, E. Schileo, F. Taddei, G. Fraterrigo, M. Pani
    ID10 - BEATS
  19. Insight into the Local Atomic Structure Order and Luminescence of Rare Earths,
    The Nucleus, Vol. 60 - 1, pp. 78-85 (2023)
    L.U. Khan, Z.U. Khan, M.A. Umar
    doi: 10.
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  20. Optimizing the electrochemical activity and understanding the reaction mechanism of Li3.27FeII0.19FeIII0.81V(PO4)3 cathode material for lithium-ion batteries,
    Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 575, pp. 233190 (2023)
    H. Aziam, A. Mahmoud, D. Mikhailova, M. Harfouche, I. Saadoune, H. Ben Youcef
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  21. IR microspectroscopic investigation of the interaction of some losartan salts with human stratum corneum protein and its effect on losartan transdermal permeation,
    PLOS ONE, Vol. 18 - 6, pp. e0287267 (2023)
    R.S.H. Mansour, A.Y. Al Khawaja, I.I. Hamdan, E.A. Khalil
    BM02 - IR
  22. Quantitative phase analysis and molecular structure of human gallstones using synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction and FTIR spectroscopy,
    Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Vol. , pp. (2023)
    A. Shaltout, R. Seoudi, D.R. Almalawi, M. Abdellatief, W. Tanthanuch
    ID09 - MS/XPD


  1. Wide visible-range activatable fluorescence ZnSe:Eu3+/Mn2+@ZnS quantum dots: local atomic structure order and application as a nanoprobe for bioimaging,
    J. Mater. Chem. B, Vol. 10 - 2, pp. 247-261 (2022)
    ZU Khan, MK Uchiyama, LU Khan, K Araki, H Goto, MCFC Felinto, AO de Souza, HF de Brito, M Gidlund
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  2. Electronic and crystal structure analyses of boron doped LiFeO2 cathode material by the XAFS spectroscopy,
    Materials Today Communications, Vol. 31, pp. 103571 (2022)
    S Gunaydin, M Harfouche, OM Ozkendir
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  3. Synchrotron radiation infrared microspectroscopy: Insights on biomedicine,
    Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, Vol. , pp. 1-20 (2022)
    A. Refaat, G. Kamel
    BM02 - IR
  4. Ag/AgCl Clusters Derived from AgCu Alloy Nanoparticles as Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction,
    Sustainable Energy Fuels, Vol. , pp. (2022)
    T. Balkan, H. Küçükkeçeci, D. Aksoy, M. Harfouche, O. Metin, K. Sarp
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  5. Synchrotron Fourier-transform infrared microspectroscopy: Characterization of tumor infiltrating monocytes stimulated by the secretome of inflammatory and non-inflammatory breast cancer cells,
    Conference: AACR Annual Meeting 2022, New Orleans (US) 18/11/2021 (2022)
    A. El-Sharkawy, G. Kamel, H. Mohamed, M. El-Shinawi, M. Mohamed, N. El-Husseiny
    BM02 - IR
  6. Environmentally adaptive MOF-based device enables continuous self-optimizing atmospheric water harvesting,
    Nature Communications, Vol. 13 - 1, pp. 4873 (2022)
    H.A. Almassad, R.I. Abaza, L. Siwwan, B. Al-Maythalony, K.E. Cordova
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  7. Plasma drop and thin-film revealed distinguished molecular structure in pre-eclampsia: An investigation using synchrotron Fourier-transform infrared microspectroscopy,
    Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Vol. 220, pp. 114981 (2022)
    L.A. Dahabiyeh, R.S.H. Mansour, W. Darwish, S.S. Saleh, G. Kamel
    BM02 - IR
  8. Zeolite NPO-Type Azolate Frameworks,
    Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Vol. n/a - n/a, pp. e202207467 (2022)
    X Zha, X Li, AA Al-Omari, S Liu, C Liang, A Al-Ghourani, M Abdellatief, J Yang, HL Nguyen, B Al-Maythalony, Z Shi, KE Cordova, Y Zhang
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  9. Coupling between [gamma]-irradiation and synchrotron-radiation-based XAFS techniques for studying Mn-doped ZnO nanoparticles,
    Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, Vol. 29 - 5, pp. (2022)
    NG Imam, M Harfouche, AA Azab, S Solyman
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  10. Hydrogen adsorption on Co2+ - and Ni2+- exchanged -US-Y and -ZSM-5. A combined sorption, DR UV-Vis, synchrotron XRD and DFT study,
    International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. , pp. (2022)
    N. Sarohan, M.O. Ozbek, Y. Kaya, M. Abdellatief, B. Ipek
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  11. Synchrotron Fourier-Transform Infrared Microspectroscopy: Characterization of in vitro polarized tumor-associated macrophages stimulated by the secretome of inflammatory and non-inflammatory breast cancer cells,
    Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular Cell Research, Vol. , pp. (2022)
    H. Mohamed, G. Kamel, N. El-Husseiny, A. El-Sharkawy, A. El-Sherif, M. El-Shinawi, M. Mohamed
    BM02 - IR
  12. Hierarchical Porous Carbon Nitride-Crumpled Nanosheet-Embedded Copper Single Atoms: An Efficient Catalyst for Carbon Monoxide Oxidation,
    ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Vol. 14 - 36, pp. 40749-40760 (2022)
    K. Eid, M.H. Sliem, M. Alejji, A.M. Abdullah, M. Harfouche, R.S. Varma
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  13. High Dielectric Transparent Film Tailored by Acceptor and Donor Codoping,
    Small, Vol. n/a - n/a, pp. 2107168 (2022)
    D Huang, Y Shi, M Younas, RTA Khan, M Nadeem, K Shati, M Harfouche, U Kentsch, Z Liu, Y Li, S Zhou, A Kuznestov, FC Ling
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  14. Synchrotron-Radiation-Based Fourier Transform Infrared Microspectroscopy as a Tool for the Differentiation between Staphylococcal Small Colony Variants,
    Antibiotics, Vol. 11 - 11, pp. (2022)
    AG Al-Bakri, LA Dahabiyeh, E Khalil, D Jaber, G Kamel, N Schleimer, C Kohler, K Becker
    BM02 - IR
  15. Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of transition metal (Mn/Fe/Cu) co-doped cerium oxide-based nano-additives for potential use in the reduction of exhaust emission from spark ignition engines,
    RSC Adv., Vol. 12 - 24, pp. 15564-15574 (2022)
    N Qadeer, N Jabeen, LU Khan, M Sohail, M Zaheer, M Vaqas, A Kanwal, F Sajid, S Qamar, Z Akhter
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  16. Emergence of the first XAFS/XRF beamline in the Middle East: providing studies of elements and their atomic/electronic structure in pluridisciplinary research fields,
    Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, Vol. 29 - 4, pp. (2022)
    M Harfouche, M Abdellatief, Y Momani, A Abbadi, M Al Najdawi, M Al Zoubi, B Aljamal, S Matalgah, LU Khan, A Lausi, G Paolucci
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  17. Operational status of the X-ray powder diffraction beamline at the SESAME synchrotron,
    Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, Vol. 29, pp. (2022)
    M. Abdellatief, M. A. Najdawi, Y. Momani, B. Aljamal, A. Abbadi, M. Harfouche, G. Paolucci
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  18. Effect of vanadium and tungsten doping on the structural, optical, and electronic characteristics of TiO2 nanoparticles,
    Journal of Materials Science, Vol. , pp. (2022)
    Z.K. Heiba, M. B.Mohamed, A. Badawi, M. Abdellatief
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  19. SESAME Gets Soft X-Ray Beamline HESEB,
    Synchrotron Radiation News, Vol. 35 - 1, pp. 22-22 (2022)
    W Drube, MF Genisel, A Lausi
    ID11L - HESEB
  20. Investigating the molecular structure of plasma in type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetic nephropathy by synchrotron Fourier-transform infrared microspectroscopy,
    Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Vol. 264, pp. 120259 (2022)
    R. Nimer, G. Kamel, MA. Obeidat, LA. Dahabiyeh
    BM02 - IR
  21. Synthesis and Characterization of a Carbon-Supported Cobalt Nitride Nano-Catalyst,
    ChemNanoMat, Vol. 8 - 2, pp. e202100428-17 (2022)
    A Rubab, N Baig, M Sher, M Ali, A Ul-Hamid, N Jabeen, LU Khan, M Sohail
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  22. Temperature-Dependent Speciation Analysis of Chromium Immobilized in Calcium Hydroxyapatite Matrix,
    International Journal of Environmental Research, Vol. 16 - 4, pp. 40 (2022)
    S Iqbal, Y Faiz, M Harfouche, M Saifullah, J Yun
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  23. HESEB: The Helmholtz state-of-the-art Soft-X-Ray Undulator beamline at SESAME,
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 2380 - 1, pp. 012036-012036 (2022)
    A Abbadi, M Attal, W Drube, W Eberhardt, F Martin Esser, R Follath, M Fatih Genisel, A Rahman Hasoneh, M Huck, E Huttel, B Kanngießer, S Knaack, O Krueger, A Lausi, F Lehner, M Lörgen, A Meseck, Y Momani, M Al Najdawi, G Paolucci
    ID11L - HESEB
  24. Structural, optical, and magnetic properties of ferrite/oxide composites MgFe2O4/(1-x)MnO-xCdO,
    Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, Vol. , pp. (2022)
    Z. Heiba, M.B. Mohamed, AH. Abd Ellatief, A. El-Denglawey, A. Badawi
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  25. Synchrotron Radiation Fourier Transform Infrared (SR-FTIR) spectroscopy in exploring ancient human hair from Roman period Juliopolis: Preservation status and alterations of organic compounds,
    Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Vol. , pp. 121026 (2022)
    K.O. Lorentz, G. Kamel, S.AM. Lemmers, Y. Miyauchi, E. Cubukcu, A. Alpagut, AM. Buyukkarakaya
    BM02 - IR


  1. Characterization of Insulin Mucoadhesive Buccal Films: Spectroscopic Analysis and In Vivo Evaluation,
    Symmetry, Vol. 13 - 1, pp. 1-17 (2021)
    M Diab, A Sallam, I Hamdan, R Mansour, R Hussain, G Siligardi, N Qinna, E Khalil
    BM02 - IR
  2. Design of Front End and a 3-Pole-Wiggler as a Photon Source for BEATS Beamline at SESAME,
    IPAC - International Particle Accelerator Conference, Vol. , pp. 324-326 (2021)
    J. Campmany, M. Najdawi Al, M. Attal, I. Cudin, S. Guiducci, G. Iori, J. Marcos, P. Van Vaerenbergh
    ID10 - BEATS
  3. Transcriptional modulations induced by proton irradiation in mice skin in function of adsorbed dose and distance,
    Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences, Vol. 14 - 1, pp. 260-270 (2021)
    V. Licursi, W. Wang, E. Di Nisio, F.P. Cammarata, R. Acquaviva, G. Russo, L. Manti, M. Cestelli Guidi, E. Fratini, G. Kamel, R. Amendola, P. Pisciotta, R. Negri
    BM02 - IR
  4. Synchrotron X-ray fluorescence and X-ray absorption near edge structure of low concentration arsenic in ambient air particulates,
    J. Anal. At. Spectrom., Vol. 36 - 5, pp. 981-992 (2021)
    AA Shaltout, M Harfouche, FAS Hassan, D Eichert
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  5. Carbide-Supported PtRu Catalysts for Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction in Alkaline Electrolyte,
    ACS Catal., Vol. 11 - 2, pp. 932-947 (2021)
    ER Hamo, RK Singh, JC Douglin, S Chen, MB Hassine, E Carbo-Argibay, S Lu, H Wang, PJ Ferreira, BA Rosen, DR Dekel
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  6. Synchrotron XANES and EXAFS evidences for Cr+6 and V+5 reduction within the oil shale ashes through mixing with natural additives and hydration process,
    Heliyon, Vol. 7 - 4, pp. e06769 (2021)
    T. El-Hasan, M. Harfouche, A. Aldrabee, N. Abdelhadi, N. Abu-Jaber, G. Aquilanti
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  7. Seed-mediated synthesis and characterization of ZnO-Fe2O3 nanospheres: Building up the core-shell model,
    Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol. 572, pp. 126279 (2021)
    S.I. Ahmed
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  8. Synthesis and comparative evaluation of optical and electrochemical properties of Ni+2 and Pr+3 ions co-doped mesoporous TiO2 nanoparticles with undoped Titania,
    Applied Nanoscience, Vol. 11 - 9, pp. 2397-2413 (2021)
    A Bashir, U Rafique, R Bashir, S Jamil, F Bashir, M Sultan, M Mubeen, Z Mehmood, A Iqbal, Z Akhter
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  9. Investigating Local Structure of Ion-Implanted (Ni2+) and Thermally Annealed Rock Salt CoO Film by EXAFS Simulation Using Evolutionary Algorithm,
    ACS Appl. Energy Mater., Vol. 4 - 3, pp. 2049-2055 (2021)
    LU Khan, N Jabeen, I Jabbar, S Jamil, A Kanwal, Z Akhter, M Usman, MZ Abid, M Harfouche
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  10. Magnetic Properties and Environmental Temperature Effects on Battery Performance of Na0.67Mn0.5Fe0.5O2,
    Energy Technology, Vol. 9 - 5, pp. 2001130 (2021)
    S. Altin, A. Bayri, E. Altin, E. Oz, S. Yasar, S. AltundaAY, M. Harfouche, S. Avci
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  11. Mummified Embalmed Head Skin: SR-FTIR Microspectroscopic Exploration,
    Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Vol. , pp. 120073 (2021)
    D. Moissidou, H. Derricott, G. Kamel
    BM02 - IR
  12. The significance of the local structure of cobalt-based catalysts on the photoelectrochemical water oxidation activity of BiVO4,
    Electrochimica Acta, Vol. 366, pp. 137467 (2021)
    M Barzgar Vishlaghi, A Kahraman, S Apaydin, E Usman, D Aksoy, T Balkan, S Munir, M Harfouche, H Ogasawara, S Kaya
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  13. The first infrared beamline at the Middle East SESAME synchrotron facility.,
    Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, Vol. 28 - 6, pp. (2021)
    G. Kamel, S. Lefrancois, T. Moreno, M. Al-Najdawi, Y. Momani, A. Abbadi, G. Paolucci, P. Dumas
    BM02 - IR
  14. Synchrotron Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy (sFTIRM) analysis of unfolding behavior of electrospun collagen nanofibers,
    Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Vol. 251, pp. (2021)
    M. Kazanci, K. Selcuk Haciosmanoglu, G. Kamel
    BM02 - IR
  15. Geochemical changes of Mn in contaminated agricultural soils nearby historical mine tailings: Insights from XAS, XRD and, SEP,
    Chemical Geology, Vol. 573, pp. 120217 (2021)
    A Morales-Pérez, V Moreno-Rodríguez, R Del Rio-Salas, NG Imam, B González-Méndez, T Pi-Puig, F Molina-Freaner, R Loredo-Portales
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  16. Synthesis and comparative evaluation of optical and electrochemical properties of efficacious heterostructured-nanocatalysts of ZnSe with commercial and reduced titania,
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 879, pp. 160449 (2021)
    S Jamil, N Jabeen, LU Khan, A Bashir, N Janjua, M Harfouche, M Sohail, AH Siddique, A Iqbal, N Qadeer, Z Akhter
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  17. Robust Barium Phosphate Metal Organic Frameworks Synthesized under Aqueous Conditions,
    ACS Materials Lett., Vol. , pp. 1010-1015 (2021)
    K.A. Salmeia, S. Dolabella, D. Parida, T.J. Frankcombe, A.T. Afaneh, K.E. Cordova, B. Al-Maythalony, S. Zhao, R. Civioc, A. Marashdeh, B. Spingler, R. Frison, A. Neels
    ID09 - MS/XPD
  18. Data Acquisition and Analysis at the X-ray Computed Tomography Beamline of SESAME,
    2021 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (JEEIT), Vol. , pp. 134-139 (2021)
    G. Iori, S. Matalgah, C. Chrysostomou, A. Al-Dalleh, M. Alzu'bi
    ID10 - BEATS
  19. Development of a Linear Fast Shutter for BM05 at ESRF and BEATS at SESAME,
    MEDSI - Mechanical Engineering Design of Synchrotron Radiation Equipment and Instrumentation, Vol. , pp. 229-231 (2021)
    C. Muñoz Pequeño, J.M. Clement, P. Thevenau, P. Van Vaerenbergh
    ID10 - BEATS
  20. Study on crystallographic and electronic structure of micrometre-scale ZnO and ZnO:B rods via X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy,
    Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, Vol. 28, pp. 448-454 (2021)
    S. Erat, O.M. Ozkendir, S. Yildirimcan, S. Gunaydin, M. Harfouche, B. Demir, A. Braun
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF


  1. LiNi0.8Co0.15Ti0.05O2: synthesis by solid state reaction and investigation of structural and electrochemical properties with enhanced battery performance,
    Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Vol. 31 - 22, pp. 20527-20538 (2020)
    A Bayri, E Gocer, E Altin, S Altundag, E Oz, M Harfouche, S Altin, S Avci
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  2. Investigating the molecular structure of placenta and plasma in pre-eclampsia by infrared microspectroscopy,
    Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Vol. 184, pp. 113186 (2020)
    L.A. Dahabiyeh, R.S.H. Mansour, S.S. Saleh, G. Kamel
    BM02 - IR
  3. Electronic structure and electrochemical analysis of the Li2Mn1-xSexO3 materials on April 02, 2020.,
    Solid State Ionics, Vol. 349, pp. 115299 (2020)
    O.M. Ozkendir, G. Celik, S. Ates, S. Aktas, S. Gunaydin, M. Harfouche, F. Bondino, E. Magnano, H. Baveghar, I. Ulfat
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  4. Design and Ray-Tracing of the BEATS Beamline of SESAME,
    Conference: MEDSI2020, Chicago (US) 26/07/2021 (2020)
    G. Iori, A. Kaprolat, I. Cudin, J. Reyes-Herrera, M. AL-Najdawi, M. AL-Shehab, M. Altissimo, P. Van Vaerenbergh, T. Kolodziej
    ID10 - BEATS
  5. Investigation of Ti-substitution effects on structural and electrochemical properties of Na0.67Mn0.5Fe0.5O2 battery cells,
    International Journal of Energy Research, Vol. 44 - 14, pp. 11794-11806 (2020)
    S Altin, S Altundag, E Altin, E Oz, M Harfouche, A Bayri
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  6. Local lattice relaxation around Tl substitutional impurities in a NaI(Tl) scintillator crystal,
    Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol. 177, pp. 108992 (2020)
    A Filipponi, G Profeta, N Di Marco, V Zema, K Schäffner, F Reindl, M Harfouche, A Trapananti, A Di Cicco
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  7. An investigation of the improvement in energy storage performance of Na2/3Mn1/2Fe1/2O2 by systematic Al-substitution,
    Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, Vol. 31 - 17, pp. 14784-14794 (2020)
    S Altin, S AltundaAY, E Altin, M Harfouche, A Bayri
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  8. Synchrotron Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy (sFTIRM) analysis of Al-induced Alzheimer's disease in rat brain cortical tissue,
    Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Vol. 239, pp. 118421 (2020)
    G.A. Ahmed, W. El Hotaby, L. Abbas, H.H.A. Sherif, G. Kamel, S.KH. Khalil
    BM02 - IR
  9. Highly efficient 3D-ZnO nanosheet photoelectrodes for solar-driven water splitting: Chalcogenide nanoparticle sensitization and mathematical modeling,
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 828, pp. 154472 (2020)
    CT Altaf, M Faraji, A Kumtepe, N Abdullayeva, N Yilmaz, E Karagoz, A Bozbey, H Kurt, M Sankir, ND Sankir
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF


  1. Exceptionally active and stable catalysts for CO2 reforming of glycerol to syngas,
    Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Vol. 256 - 117808, pp. (2019)
    S. Bac, Z. Say, Y. Kocak, K.E. Ercan, M. Harfouche, E. Ozensoy, A.K. Avci
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  2. Lyotropic Liquid Crystalline Mesophases Made of Salt-Acid-Surfactant Systems for the Synthesis of Novel Mesoporous Lithium Metal Phosphates,
    ChemPlusChem, Vol. 84, pp. 1-11 (2019)
    I. Uzunok, J. Kim, T. O. Colak, D. S. Kim, H. Kim, M. Kim, Y. Yamauchi, O. Dag
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  3. Synthesis and water oxidation electrocatalytic and electrochromic behaviours of mesoporous nickel oxide thin film electrodes,
    Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Vol. 7 - 38, pp. 22012-22020 (2019)
    A. Amirzhanova, I. Karakaya, C. B. Uzundal, G. Karaoglu, F. Karadas, O. Dag
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF
  4. Boron activity in the inactive Li2MnO3 cathode material,
    Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, Vol. 235, pp. 23-28 (2019)
    O.M. Ozkendir, M. Harfouche, I. Ulfat, C. Kaya, G. Celik, S. Ates, S. Aktas, H. Bavigar, T. Colak
    BM08 - XAFS/XRF


  1. EMIRA: The Infrared Synchrotron Radiation Beamline at SESAME,
    Synchrotron Radiation News, Vol. 30 - 4, pp. 8-10 (2017)
    G. Kamel, S. Lefrancois, M. Al-Najdawi, T. Abu-Hanieh, I. Saleh, Y. Momani, P. Dumas
    BM02 - IR
  2. Elucidation of penetration enhancement mechanism of Emu oil using FTIR microspectroscopy at EMIRA laboratory of SESAME synchrotron,
    Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Vol. 185, pp. 1-10 (2017)
    R.S.H. Mansour, A.A. Sallam, I.I. Hamdan, E.A. Khalil, I. Yousef
    BM02 - IR
  3. The SESAME materials science beamline for XRD applications,
    Powder Diffraction, Vol. 32 - S1, pp. S6-S12 (2017)
    M Abdellatief, L Rebuffi, H Khosroabadi, M Najdawi, T Abu-Hanieh, M Attal, G Paolucci
    ID09 - MS/XPD


  1. Optical and Micro-FTIR mapping: A new approach for structural evaluation of V2O5-lithium fluoroborate glasses,
    Materials Design, Vol. 89, pp. 568-572 (2016)
    A.M. Abdelghany, H.A. ElBatal
    BM02 - IR
  2. Monosialoganglioside-GM1 triggers binding of the amyloid-protein salmon calcitonin to a Langmuir membrane model mimicking the occurrence of lipid-rafts,
    Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports, Vol. 8, pp. 365-375 (2016)
    M. Diociaiuti, C. Giordani, G. Kamel, F. Brasili, S. Sennato, C. Bombelli, K. Meneses, M. Giraldo, F. Bordi
    BM02 - IR
  3. Study of the biochemical effects induced by X-ray irradiations in combination with gadolinium nanoparticles in F98 glioma cells: first FTIR studies at the Emira laboratory of the SESAME synchrotron,
    Analyst, Vol. 141 - 7, pp. 2238-2249 (2016)
    I. Yousef, O. Seksek, S. Gil, Y. Prezado, J. Sule-Suso, I. Martinez-Rovira
    BM02 - IR


  1. Simulation and design of an infrared beamline for SESAME (Synchrotron-Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East),
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol. 673, pp. 73-81 (2012)
    I. Yousef, S. Lefrancois, T. Moreno, H. Hoorani, F. Makahleh, A. Nadji, P. Dumas
    BM02 - IR
Theses Publications


  1. Fabrication and Exploration of Efficacious Transition Metal Oxides (TMO) based Nano-catalysts: Headway to Green Energy, (2021)
    S. JAMIL